Friday, May 2, 2008

I need furniture

Today I found out that I got two scholarships! Yeah! It should cover fall and some of my winter semester. This is great, if I can get a job I my not have to get a loan.

I need new bedroom furniture; seriously I have had the same ugly ass furniture since the 2nd grade. The 2nd grade. I have a plan bed frame downstairs I can use, my side table that I need to refinish, a chair and stool.

I want to refinish it with a fun graphic paint. The piece is super retro and I think it would look sweet with some sort of design on it.
So I need two new dressers and I found a few at Ikea that I like a lot. I love the yellow one.

With a new dresser I would need to pick up some kind of mirror.

I am in dire need of a bookshelf as well.

I have been looking at design sponge a lot.

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